Rescuing Lives helps children and youth in local villages in Andhra Pradesh, India. The children that are reached and provided care for through Rescuing Lives are at risk of trafficking, severe poverty, homelessness, or severe abuse and neglect from extended family members. The children at the orphanage are loved and cared for by house parents and caretakers. The children range in age from 5 to approx. 16 years of age. The children attend school regularly and are receiving an education that will help them succeed in life. They are provided with medical care, food, clothing, love and a safe environment in which to grow up.
Many of the children have heartbreaking stories of poverty, of being exiled from their families, of homelessness, hunger, and having no one to care for them and no one to turn to. If they had not been rescued when they were a percentage of the children would have ended up in human trafficking, living life as beggars in the street while foraging for food in the trash, or working for meager wages that would barely provide enough to live, not even an education to better themselves. By these children receiving the care they need, they are being given a chance at a new life that would have never been possible to them.
A life with an education, a life with a future, a life filled with hope.
You can also mail a check to:
Rescuing Lives
11730 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64114
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Rescuing Lives
11730 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64114