Widows and Women at Risk Rescue & Project Ministry
Rescuing Lives rescues widows and women at risk of trafficking, severe poverty, and homelessness. With the help of our supporters, we can offer them hope for a future through education and training in Sewing Micro-Enterprise, Cooking, Cosmetology, and Business Training.

Widows and Women at Risk with Children
Many of the women have children; of which, are at greater risk of being homeless, living in severe poverty in the slums or streets, or trafficking. Women with children are also oftentimes cast out from their families and communities because of the additional burden that comes along with the loss of a father or husband to provide. The Widow’s Project is focused on providing care for these widows from near-death situations and severe poverty by educating and empowering them with skills that they can use to survive and provide for themselves and their children. As they attend school, we help by providing housing and care for their children until they can get an education in a trade and begin providing for themselves.
Young Widows
A lot of the widows are surprisingly very young and have barely begun their adult lives by the time they have become widowed. Oftentimes these young women feel that they have no way out except through death or are at extremely high risk of working in red-light districts in prostitution. Rescuing Lives wants to offer hope to these women by providing a way for them to gain an education and trade in the sewing industry so they can honorably support themselves. When we partner together and provide a way for the widows to have a better life and future, their hearts are softened and opened up to receiving and learning.
Please take the time to click on the video below to see what your donation will help provide for a Woman at Risk.

Make A Donation
The cost is $500 to help Rescuing Lives rescue a widow or woman at risk of trafficking! Your donation to support this ministry will help provide these women with an education in a trade that they can sustain themselves in and the supplies they need. As well as a brand new sewing machine that each woman gets to keep upon graduating from the Sewing Micro-Enterprise course.
You can donate by debit or credit card as a one-time donation or as a recurring donation through the link on this page.
Rescuing Lives
11730 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64114