Leprosy is not a word we hear too often in this day and time, BUT it is a word known all too well in a little village outside the city of Visakhapatnam, India.
When you think of leprosy, most people think of its effect on adults or the elderly…. But it does not stop there. It also affects children and babies, as well as entire family units.
The people who have been diagnosed with leprosy have been outcast from the city and quarantined to this village colony to live out their days. They have no resources except what they can beg for, or scavenge from the trash that is thrown out from the city.
Currently, they need medical supplies to cleanse and bandage their wounds and medication to stop the spread of leprosy in their bodies. They also need food, clean water, clothing, & housing. The basic necessities, that we often take for granted.
Many times due to already living in poverty and the lack of funds to get medical treatment for symptoms, a person does not know they have leprosy until it has spread throughout their body. Once an individual receives the proper medication they are no longer contagious within 72 hours. By that time they are cast out to an unfortunate future. Having the proper medication and nutrition will help reduce the spread of leprosy in their bodies and to other people, as well as help their bodies heal.
153 People live in this colony!
The cost to provide these basic necessities and to care for another precious individual is $81 a month.
If we can raise enough monthly support, then together we can bring hope and life back to an entire village that has been cast out and forgotten.
Rescuing Lives
11730 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64114